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Education Flowers Plants

Top 10 Mosquito Repellent Plants and Flowers

Nobody likes mosquitoes. They can quickly turn a pleasant evening outside into an annoying itchy night. This annoying insect not only leaves itchy bites, but they can also transmit serious diseases. So how do you repel mosquitoes? Are there…

Education Plants

Hardy Plants – All you need to know

Whether you live in a cold climate or in a hot and dry one, choosing the appropriate plants can be a challenge. The first thing that you need to consider when selecting your plants is the local conditions. By…

Education Plants

31 of the World’s Most Dangerous Plants & Flowers

Usually when we’re choosing flowers and plants for our customers, we only consider how they’ll look. Today, however, we have something a little different for you. After the success of our post on the world’s weirdest flowers, we’ve decided…