All Posts By

Miruna Secuianu

Education Flowers

Edible Flowers-Flowers You Can Eat!

When you think of flowers for the dinner table, the first image that pops into your mind is the floral centrepiece, which is purely ornamental. But wouldn’t dinner look awesome if you had flowers on your plate as well?…

Education Plants

Hardy Plants – All you need to know

Whether you live in a cold climate or in a hot and dry one, choosing the appropriate plants can be a challenge. The first thing that you need to consider when selecting your plants is the local conditions. By…

Trends & Occasions

Our Favorite Romantic Getaways in NSW

More and more people feel that their daily schedule is so busy that there aren’t enough hours in a day. A busy lifestyle is often a huge issue for couples, especially if they lead separate lives from 9 a.m.…

Flowers How To

Growing Clivias: Everything You Need to Know

Native to South Africa, clivia plants are popular houseplants that can survive in almost any environment. They are evergreen perennials, thrive in shaded areas, and come in many different colours. You can easily grow clivias both indoors and outdoors,…