Jasmine is one of the most popular plants to grow in Australia because of the beautiful scent they have.
In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to plant, grow and care for your jasmine plants so that your garden is filled with fragrance.
What people tend to think of as jasmine actually refers to a family of about 200 different species of plants.
These species are made up of shrubs and vines that belong to the olive family.
They’re native to a large swathe of the planet; stretching from the middle-east, down through to Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania.
It’s thought that we get the name jasmin from the Persian yasameen, which means “Gift from God”.
And when most people think of jasmine they tend to think of the variety that’s most popular in their region, but there are actually quite a few different varieties and some varieties that we think of as jasmine are actually something different.
Species such as Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum) and Cape Jasmine (Gardenia) aren’t related to the common jasmine.
Varieties of Jasmine
When you think of jasmine, the plant you probably think of is the common jasmine. It’s very popular in part because it’s also one of the most fragrant varieties.
Common jasmine grows quite quickly and within you can expect to have them reach about 3-5 metres in height eventually. This is one of the reasons why they’re commonly seen on arches and trellises.
In addition to the common jasmine, there are plenty of others that are quite popular.
Indian Jasmine Plant
The Indian Jasmine plant (Jasminum auriculatum) mostly grows in the provinces of Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Tamil Nadu, a province in the south of India, is famous for growing Indian jasmine where it’s used in Hindu worship and hair ornaments.
Around India, garlands of jasmine flowers are also sold for use in and around Hindu temples.
White Jasmine Plant
White Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum), also known as pink jasmine, is a variety of jasmine that is native to China and Burma.
It gets its name polyanthum from the latin meaning “many flowered”.
It is a well known house plant in the United States and is often found growing in gardens where the temperature is not too extreme.
The Royal Horticultural Society put it on their list of top 200 plants and thought that part of its popularity was due to the ease of propagation and its ability to resist pests and diseases.
Showy Jasmine Plant
When you first hear about the showy jasmine plant (Jasminum floridum) you might think that it’s a bright plant with huge flowers, but actually the flowers are much smaller than the common jasmine.
That said, it has quite a thick foliage which is why it’s popular for growing over an arch or trellis.
Spanish Jasmine Plant
With the scientific name of Jasmine grandiflorum you might think that it’s grown for its flowers and you’d be right. It’s one of the more popular varieties of jasmine to be grown and is particularly known for its fragrant flowers.
Italian Jasmine Plant
Italian jasmine (Jasminum humile) is a variety that is popular both as a vine and a ground covering shrub. When grown on the ground it forms a dense bush, which is why some people prefer to use this variety for shaping.
Arabic Jasmine Plant
The arabic jasmine plant (Jasminum sambac) has possibly the strongest fragrance of all the jasmine varieties and is grown as a shrub. Growing to about 1.5-2 metres in height, this is the type of jasmine that is used for making tea.
Primrose Jasmine Plant
Primrose jasmine (Jasminum mesnyi), is not a common variety in Australia or the United States. But it is quite pretty, with larger flowers than most other varieties which also happen to be yellow rather than white.
How to Grow Jasmine
Jasmine plants might require a little bit of work, but the results are usually considered well worth it.
If you can grow jasmine successfully you’ll be rewarded with some pretty flowers and, more importantly to many, a wonderful scent throughout your garden.
The location is probably the most important consideration when choosing to grow jasmine. It tends to like warm, sunny areas.
And if you’re planning on growing the vine to a reasonable height, you’ll want to make sure the vine has plenty of support to keep it standing upright.
How to Plant Jasmine
If you’ve got your hands on a jasmine plant that already has a strong root system, then you are ready to plant it in the ground.
The process is pretty simple; just dig a hole that’s deep enough to cover all the roots, place the plant inside the hole, fill it back up with dirt and then gently water it.
It’s hard to make a mistake here as long as you’re planting something with a root system that is strong enough to survive on its own. If the roots are too immature then you could end up with a dead jasmine plant.
Sunlight requirements for Jasmine
Jasmine plants originated in the tropics, so they tend to prefer a warm environment with a decent amount of sun.
That said, they are quite hardy plants, so you don’t have to make sure that the spot you’re planting in has all day sun, but you don’t want to plant them somewhere where there’s shade all day.
One of the best things about growing jasmine is that they’re quite hardy and easy to grow, so as long as you don’t go too extreme then you should be successful in growing jasmine.
The Best Soil to Grow Jasmine in
Jasmine plants prefer well draining soil with a decent amount of nutrients. Adding compost or manure is a good way to add plenty of nutrients to your plant if your soil is somewhat lacking.
Growing Jasmine Indoors
Can jasmine be grown indoors? You bet it can!
Because it’s quite a hardy plant, jasmine can be grown just about anywhere, so the main difference to be aware of when you’re growing jasmine indoors is the size of the plant.
Unless you live in a castle, a standard jasmine plant could very well take over your house, so you’ll want to try growing the dwarf jasmine plant instead.
If you’re more of a hands on type of gardener, then you can grow a regular jasmine plant indoors, but you’ll need to be very active in trimming it to keep it at a manageable height.
Finally, because indoor plants are limited in nutrition to whatever is in their potting soil, you’ll want to make sure that you supply plenty of fertiliser to the jasmine plants. Twice a year is probably a good rule of thumb to use here.
Growing Jasmine in Pots
Can you grow jasmine in pots? Yes, you can! As long as jasmine is given plenty of sun and well-draining soil to grow in, you can grow jasmine just about anywhere.
To start with, fill your pot with the right kind of soil. If you’re unsure of what sort of soil to use, scroll up a little bit for guidance on this issue.
Next, decide on where you’re going to place your pot. Jasmine isn’t too finicky about where it’s placed, but be sure to read the section on sunlight to make sure that your plant gets enough sun to help it grow to its fullest.
Next, plant your jasmine in the pot. The main thing to note here is that the roots are well covered and not exposed to the air.
Because jasmine is a plant that likes to keep its roots moist, you should try to water your new pot plant as soon as you plant it.
As the plant grows, be sure to take care of it as you would any other plant and watch for the point when it needs to be repotted. We have some information on how to repot your jasmine plants down below in the article.
How to Propagate Jasmine from Cuttings
Propagating your own jasmine plants from cuttings is one of the more popular ways of growing. This is because when you propagate a plant from a cutting, you’ll end up with a genetic clone. So if the first plant grew well in your environment, the cutting should too.
When it comes to doing this, the most important thing to note is the time at which you do it. No, we’re not referring to the time of day, but the time of the year. It’s best to plant jasmine when it’s in a growing phase.
While jasmine can be pretty hardy, since they originated in the tropics they’ll typically do best when planted at a warm-ish time.
Once you’ve got your cutting, coat the bottom in some kind of rooting hormone which will help it grow.
Place the cutting into a bag of sand that has had some water added already and then wait. Within a month or so you should begin to see some roots sprouting from your cutting, at which point you can place the cutting in some potting soil to further strengthen it before you plant it in your garden.
How to Grow Jasmine from Seeds
Can you grow jasmine from seeds? Yes, you can, but it’s more work and requires a lot more patience than other methods, such as growing jasmine plants from cuttings.
The procedure isn’t really different from growing any other sort of plant from seed.
Prepare the seeds for a few months, soak them overnight and then place them into a seed tray.
The next step is perhaps the hardest… being patient. A good rule of (green) thumb is to wait until the seedling sprouts some leaves, then you can repot them in a larger container until they’re strong enough to be planted in the garden.
How to Care for Jasmine Plants
Jasmine plants are pretty tough so you can afford a minor mistake here and there, but if you want your plants to be as strong and fragrant as possible, then you’ll want to make sure you take the best care of them.
If you’re planning on having your jasmine vines grow on a trellis or a wall, then you’ll want to train the plant as early as possible. Just as it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, the earlier you start to train your vines the easier they’ll grow the way you want.
You’ll also need to make sure that the plants don’t get too thirsty. Jasmine plants like a decent amount of water since they come from the tropics, so you won’t want to let them get too dry.
How much watering to do depends on where you live and how much rain you get. If you’re living somewhere dry, then you’ll want to water at least once a week, but if you get rain more often, then once a fortnight will also work.
To get the most out of your plant, you’ll also want to fertilise. The best time to do this is just before the growth spurt of Spring.
Once you manage to get these basics under control, you’re most of the way there when it comes to taking care of your jasmine plant.
There are a few other things to take into consideration though.
How to Prune & Trim Jasmine
One of these important considerations is pruning and trimming. Because people mostly grow jasmine for their fragrant flowers, by doing a good job of pruning you’ll guarantee yourself more flowers which means more fragrance.
Different varieties bloom at different times, but the best time to prune your jasmine plant is right after they bloom. This way the plant will have time to grow before the next flowering season.
Once you’re ready to go there are a few simple steps to follow. Start pruning any dead or damaged stems on the plant. This ensures that the plant’s energy can be put into the healthy stems instead.
Remove any “bird-nest” type stems that have got themselves all tangled up. While these aren’t harmful to the plant, they look unsightly and can be harder to take care of in the long run.
You’ll also want to remove any stems that grow outside the trellis if you’re going the plant on a support structure.
Repotting Jasmine
Compared to a lot of similar types of plants, jasmine can actually go a long time before you need to repot them.
And the process is relatively simple. The only main difference you’ll find compared to other plants is the sheer number of roots you’ll have to deal with.
The main thing to get right actually has nothing to do with the technique, but the timing.
Because repotting a plant can be quite stressful for it, you don’t want to repot in Winter. Instead, repot during the time when the plant is growing fastest; that means Spring or Summer.
As the plant grows, the roots grow as well. Normally in a garden the roots will shoot outwards in search of more nutrients, but in a pot they can only go so far.
As the roots grow in volume, the proportion of soil shrinks accordingly and when you end up with too much root for your soil, the health of your plant can suffer.
To repot, pull the plant out of its pot and inspect the root system. Cut off any dead or dying roots (they’ll appear brown or black) and then cut away the ends of the root system until you’re left with a much more manageable amount.
Finally, use some new potting mix and add the plant back into its pot, ready to grow until it needs to be repotted again in the future.
Dealing with Pests & Diseases
Unfortunately, when you’re dealing with just about any kind of plant, dealing with pests and diseases is part of life.
Jasmine plants are no exception when it comes to this either.
Fortunately, jasmine plants are pretty hardy and the ways to deal with pests and diseases aren’t too tricky.
If you’re noticing that your plant has bite marks or other signs of damage, then you could be dealing with a pest problem.
There are a couple of main categories of pests that you have to deal with. The first feed on the stems of the plant to get to the sap; aphids are an example of this type.
The second type of pest are those that feed on the leaves; caterpillars are an example of this type of pest.
Whatever the pest, the main thing is to note their presence and then deal with them. Regular inspection should be enough to spot the pests if they do appear, but when dealing with them you have a couple of options.
The first thing to try is the non-toxic option. Soap and water can suffocate a lot of pests, so you’ll often find this is enough to rid you of pests.
But if it doesn’t, then you can try a regular pesticide that you buy from your local Bunnings.
Diseases are a little rarer when dealing with jasmine plants, especially if you’re taking care of it properly.
When you do have a diseased plant, you need to get rid of the disease before it spreads across the whole plant or onto other plants in your garden.
What you should use to treat the disease depends on which disease you have. If you want to try and prevent pests and diseases from getting a hold in the first place, you can always look at how to use flowers instead of pesticides.
Related Questions
Q: Is jasmine evergreen?
A: Common jasmine is deciduous. However, other varieties of jasmine are evergreen, such as White Jasmine.
Q: How tall does jasmine grow?
A: Jasmine plants will typically grow to a height of 4-5m (or 15 feet for any American readers!)
Q: Is jasmine a flower?
A: Jasmine generally refers to a variety of different plants that do have flowers.
Q: Why do jasmine leaves turn yellow?
A: Jasmine leaves turning yellow usually has one of two causes; either you’re watering improperly (overwatering is just as bad as underwatering). The second possibility is that your soil nutrients are off. If jasmine is lacking certain nutrients you can end up with yellow leaves.
Q: What grows well with jasmine?
A: The best plants to grow with jasmine have the same soil, light and watering requirements. In addition, pick something that contrasts the colours of jasmine. If your plant has white flowers, think about something with bright flowers.
Q: Why does jasmine have white spots?
A: White spots on your jasmine plant could be a couple of different things. Sometimes it’s a disease called powdery mildew and that needs to be treated with a fungicide. Sometimes the white spots are actually pests and these can be dealt with as per the instructions in this guide.
Q: Can jasmine grow in shade?
A: It really depends on the variety you’re growing. While they are hardy, some varieties prefer full shade, while others prefer partial shade.
Q: Can jasmine grow in full sun?
A: Yes, all varieties of jasmine can grow in full sun. While they may be a little pickier about whether they like full or partial shade, they all can handle growing well in full sun.
Q: Can jasmine be used as ground cover?
A: Common jasmine and similar varieties are generally not used for ground cover. However, other varieties (some which aren’t actually jasmine) can be used for ground cover successfully, such as star jasmine.
Q: Will jasmine root in water?
A: Yes, you can root jasmine in water, even if it’s not the best method for propagation. While rooting jasmine in water will result in some growth, it tends to be a bit slow, so if you’re doing it to get a fully grown jasmine plant, then you’re better off using one of the methods outlined above in the guide.
Q: Can jasmine poison cats?
A: No, jasmine plants such as common jasmine or white jasmine are not toxic to cats, dogs or horses. That said, there are lots of species of plants that have jasmine in their name that aren’t actually jasmine, so it’s best to check your specific variety.
Q: Which jasmine smells the best?
A: This comes down to pure preference, but here we think that common jasmine and Italian jasmine (both mentioned in the guide above) are the best smelling. Get your hands on a few varieties and find out for yourself!
Q: When does jasmine bloom?
A: Jasmine typically begins to bloom in Spring and continues into Autumn. That said, different varieties bloom for different periods and at different times, so to give you a better answer we’d really need to know the specific plant.
Q: Why do jasmine leaves turn brown?
A: Jasmine leaves typically turn brown as an indication of poor watering habits. You can think of it as the plant’s way of telling you that it’s thirsty. If your plant has brown leaves, then you’ll want to water the plant more often and probably more thoroughly as well.
That’s all we have for jasmine right now. If you know something that should be featured here, or if there’s something you’d like to know about jasmine that we haven’t mentioned, then let us know in the comments and we’ll see what we can do about fixing it.
Cameron Wilson
March 19, 2020 at 11:00 amHi there,
What would be the best Jasmine to grow and train along the top of a fence that that is beside a pool? I’m looking for something that doesn’t drop like the Star Jasmine?
March 24, 2020 at 3:43 pmHi Cameron,
Common Jasmine might be your best choice here. If you’re really worried about flowers falling into your pool (and creating more work!) then you might be better off with something with fewer flowers such as ivy.
Hope that helps!
August 6, 2020 at 10:53 amHi Sean
Very interesting article and Q/As.
My question is we have a very healthy jasmine plant and we have not been watering it. We’re wondering where it is getting its water. We have a patch of grass that we do water but it’s separated from the jasmine plant by a sidewalk, about 5-6 feet away. I was wondering if our jasmine plant’s roots spread out 5-10 feet or more searching for water and found it under the patch of grass. Otherwise, we’re thinking there might be a leaky irrigation pipe that it is near and we’d have to dig to find the leak. Any ideas on the reach/spread of the jasmine’s roots? Thx in advance.
November 12, 2020 at 2:49 pmHi Peter,
That’s an interesting question. Jasmine plants will tend to have root systems about as large as the stuff you see above ground. Depending on how large the plant is it’s very possible that the plant is stealing some of the water intended for your grass.
I hope you sort it out!
Maroun Skaff
May 1, 2020 at 1:12 amHello there,
I’m willing to plant and Italian jasmine in my garden and use it as a roof kind of a tent on top of my small garden. My question is what is the growth speed and how much time it needs to cover a 4 meter of length approximately.
Thank you,
May 14, 2020 at 10:49 amHi Maroun,
Looking at various sources, it seems that it would take about 3-4 years for an Italian Jasmine plant to cover a 4 metre length.
Hope that helps!
Anita Bramston
May 14, 2020 at 8:38 amHi Cameron,
I’m thinking of planting my star jasmine in 1 metre long, narrow troughs on top of a wall so they can grow down the wall. Can you see any problems with that?
May 14, 2020 at 11:04 amHi Anita,
I can’t see anything wrong with that. Star Jasmine loves to climb all over the place, so as long as you train it a little it should look great.
Best of luck!
Anita Bramston
May 14, 2020 at 10:16 amOops I meant Hi Sean. Anita
Anita Bramston
May 14, 2020 at 1:02 pmThanks Sean, I’ll give it a go. I’ll let you know for other interested readers.
Anita Bramston
May 23, 2020 at 8:30 amHi Sean
Ive decided to plant my 15 star jasmine plants each in 20cm x 20cm pots and train them to trail over a 7.7m wall. I can’t have the pots any larger as there is a fixed awning over the top of the wall so I have a height restriction. Will the jasmine grow in pots so small and cascade over the
May 27, 2020 at 11:38 amHi Anita,
I don’t see any reason why they won’t.
Let us know how they go!
Anita Bramston
June 16, 2020 at 5:15 pmWill do. Thanks.
Julia evans
June 27, 2020 at 2:31 amHi I have a star jasmine which is approx 10 yrs old it’s beautiful apart fro. it is super dense inside I don’t want to cut it all out and end up with nothing I am not best at grasping pruning any tips please
July 15, 2020 at 11:01 amI couldn’t find an answer to my question. Why would my star Jasmine’s green leaves turn yellow and also red, then fall off? Also the only green left are at the very end of the branch, so once the yellow and red leaves fall off the branch is bare except for the very tips.
July 15, 2020 at 11:35 amHi Ana,
This sounds like it might be a couple of separate issues. The yellowing tends to occur when there’s a nutrition issue; often caused by a lack of iron or zinc. Improper watering can also be the source of the problem. If there’s too much or too little water then the leaves can turn yellow as a result.
The redness is something that happens normally and after a while the leaves will fall off naturally. So the redness isn’t something to be alarmed by, but the yellow leaves are something you’ll want to try and remedy.
I hope that helps!